Alleigh Gregson

Sr. Community Outreach Coordinator

Alleigh Gregson joined Rifeline in October of 2023 and currently serves as a Sr. Community Outreach Coordinator.

Alleigh graduated from Clemson University with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and a minor in Psychology.

Prior to joining Rifeline, Alleigh worked as a Social Media Care Specialist on assignment for GM to build their online community and liaise between customers and their dealerships. She also worked as a Social Media Coordinator for an IT company during college to create and execute digital marketing strategies to inform, advertise, and attract public interest. Alleigh grew up in South Carolina but moved to Austin in 2022 to find new opportunities. She enjoys exploring Austin to find the best restaurants and coffee shops, traveling, and spending time with friends and family. She is very excited for her work here at Rifeline and is committed to making a difference in her community.